Andreas & Brooke Sakellaris - Lancaster, PA

Dear Mentors,
I wanted to say THANK YOU SOOO much for all the support you have given me.

Before starting mentorship with you, I was stuck in paralysis of analysis. I was afraid to talk to seller and make offers in fear that I couldn’t explain the creative terms. Now that I understand the strategies, I feel empowered and confident to be offering most sellers a solution to their problem when there were no other options for them.

Through your mentorship I have not only been able to flip my first wholesale deal and get my “SHUT UP CHECK,” over $7,000, but you have coached me into setting up my business into the autopilot stage (HUGE GAME CHANGER). Using VAs to do all the back office work that I used to get drowned in (getting no where) now is done for me, and I can focus on the more lucrative responsibilities of the business. Thanks to you guys now I understand the Control Without Ownership and ACTS strategies, which is such a great tool in this economy. We are able to do deals that most investors throw in the trash.

I am so thrilled to take charge of my own destiny and create my future. The freedom that this business will bring to my family is priceless. Being able to take this set of skills and implement them anywhere is so exciting. No longer do we have to suffer the cold winters of the Northeast. We will continue to do deals and build the business through our VAs here in PA, but come next winter we are opening up shop and moving to Florida!!!!!
We just want to be like you guys.

Overall, this experience has been one which has sparked the fire with in and made me a true believer in myself. I greatly appreciate the support and encouragement from you both, as well as Ron’s teaching. We look forward to growing in the business and continuing our relationship as well as expanding the endless opportunities. The ultimate will be when we are able to give back just like you have done for us!

Most Sincerely,
Andreas & Brooke Sakellaris
Lancaster, PA