Start Here!

We understand the world of real estate training can be overwhelming. Should I do rehabs? I've heard wholesaling is a great way to get started. Where do I get the money? How do I find leads?

Where do I start?????


Step 1: Get to know us

We believe it's important to know who you're working with. We expect this to be a lasting relationship, so we'd like to share some of our beliefs. Our goal is to help you, as a real estate entrepreneur, succeed. But we can't help everyone. Watch this short video to find out our beliefs and who we want to help.

Skip the video for now.


Create Impact

Fullscreen sections are great for items that need some impact. Do you have a "call to action" that needs to work better, or, perhaps a news item that can't be missed. Well, put these into a fullscreen section and you're ready to go.

Background Options

There are several options if you want to spice up your fullscreen design. You can work with a single color or an image if you just want a static solution. If you want a bit of movement, you can choose between a parallax image, a slideshow or even a looping video.

Get Creative!

As you can see, there are many ways to use the fullscreen options built into Beaver Builder. And, now it's time for you to get creative and explore the possibilities.